
Envro Clean

Our premium brand for hygiene and janitorial product lines.


Hygiene Solutions

We confidently supply high quality hygiene solutions for your clean environment


Janitorials Supplies

Quality products at affordable prices for your day to day cleaning and hygiene services


Overseas Distribution

As a global distributor, we forward our interest to share the growth with any businesses

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Retail Sales

We look forward to work with you for our retail supply chain.

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We Build for Your Comfort

We supply Hygiene & Janitorial products

We supply Hygiene & Janitorial products

As a global distributor, our products are supplied to a wide variety of industries to fulfil their needs for chemicals. We make every effort to constantly expand our product lines to cater long-term customers, with affordable rates, and ability to build new business needs that Envro Chemicals can service.

We stand for Quality, Safety & Credibility

We stand for Quality, Safety & Credibility

Our products range from early cleaning stage to commercial stage. We provide cost effective solutions that add value, reduce risks, increase efficiency, deliver savings and always exceed customer expectations.

Our Success

9 +
Years Of Experience
100 +
Hygiene Products
500 +
Janitorial Supplies
12 +
Countries Supplied
Why Choose Us

We will make your place absolutely clean & safe

We work to ensure people’s comfort at their environment, and to provide the best and the safest products at fair prices. We stand for quality, safety and credibility, so you could be sure about our products

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We work hard to ensure that we can offer excellent quality products at affordable price. We understand that every customer has unique requirements. Our expert teams are working hard to maintain our high standards of quality at all times.


We support all sales with training for customers along with COSHH awareness training. Precise and accurate user directions clearly labeled along with safety data sheets on all products. Utmost care is taken in formulating our products, using non-toxic, non-caustic and non-flammable materials where possible.


At Envro chemicals, we all always keep our customers the centre of focus. While developing our Envroclean brand, we input all our efforts to maintain our credibility and high standards of industrial and retail chemical supply.

Hygiene Solutions


We are committed to protecting the environment in order to safeguard future of generations to come. We constantly drive improvement by evaluating our range of products to ensure that it makes minimal impact. This provide the confidence that our operations are carried out safely and responsibly.

Janitorial Supplies


We work to ensure people’s comfort at their home, and to provide the best and the fastest help at fair prices. We stand for quality, safety and credibility, so you could be sure about our work

Pages 4-8
Pages 4-8
Textile Cleaning Cloths
Pages 9-17
Sponges, Scourers Gloves
Pages 18-21
Professional Mopping System
Pages 22-28
Mop Heads & Fittings
Pages 29-34
Dusters & warning Signs
Pages 35-39
Brushes & Brooms
Pages 40-44
Pages 40-44
Wet Wipes, Floor Pads & Bins
Pages 45-47
Professional Trolley System
Pages 48-53
Professional Cleaning Kits
Pages 54-59